Plumb Line #3: Jesus Commanded Us to Make Disciples, Not Converts
On a Sunday morning in February of 1961, a young man named Sam James preached...
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4 Piercing Truths About the Way God Works in the World
If you were to skim Deborah’s song in Judges 5—thinking that you already knew all...
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Writing “Sending” Into Your Church’s DNA
The following is adapted from the new book Gaining by Losing: Why the Future Belongs to...
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The Surprising Secret of Courage
Courage is a funny thing. Most of us would like to be more courageous, to...
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Why the Bible Tells Some Tragic Stories Comically
It's sad that we evangelicals so often miss the humor in Bible stories. If we...
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Our Everyday Obedience Is Our Best Witness
A few weeks ago I reflected on the ways that Titus 2 showed gospel change...
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Why God Doesn’t Remove Our Sinful Cravings Immediately
Every Christian I know has had the experience of coming up against the same sin—again—and...
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The Fearsome Biscuit
I do my best to ensure that my sermons are well researched. But every now...
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Three Surprising Essentials to Spiritual Success … From a Southpaw Savior
Ask little kids what their favorite Bible story is, and they’re likely to give you...
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Three Christian Misconceptions About Muslims
When the average Westerner hears “Muslim,” a number of images come to mind—mostly negative. But...
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