Singleness Myth #2: You Need to Find “The Right Person”
This is the second in a two-part series on "singleness myths." Be sure to see...
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Singleness Myth #1: Marriage = Completion It doesn’t take a sociological sleuth to recognize that our society is more than...
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Three Lessons From a Violent Thornbush
Reading the Old Testament can be difficult. It’s not exactly full of the kinds of...
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Resources On Same-Sex Attraction
This weekend we looked at one of the toughest and most controversial questions of our day:...
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The Paradox of Assurance
I struggled for years to find assurance of salvation. As I’ve mentioned in Stop Asking...
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Does a God of Vengeance Make Us Vengeful?
Opponents of Christianity often point out how bloody the Old Testament is. There’s no getting...
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Four Signs That Ministry Has Become All About YOU
Sadly, most of us can all too easily recount stories of pastors who betrayed their...
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Are You Weak Enough for God to Use You?
There aren’t many societies that praise weakness. Ours is no different. Whether you’re a pastor...
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W4YW: Romans Set to Music, Our Culture of Lying, & Leading the Willful
Your weekly installment of things we’ve been reading (and watching) around the web. Video of...
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The Church Needs More Deborahs My wife and I have three daughters—aged 11, 9, and 7. (We managed to...
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