Is Same-Sex Attraction Wrong? If So, Why?
This is the second of a five-part blog series on same-sex attraction. Be sure to...
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How Should the Church Talk About Same-Sex Attraction?
This is the first of a five-part blog series on same-sex attraction. Be sure to...
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Friendship: You Were Made For It … And It Makes You
I read a recent survey about friendship that was disheartening, but not terribly surprising. Since...
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Nine Ways to “Pay” Your Volunteers
I recently spent some time with long-time pastor Steve Stroope, who’s been in the ministry...
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Jesus Is My Friend
You might have missed this weekend's sermon on friendship. To hold you over until the...
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God Gave You the Holy Spirit … For a Reason
This post coincides with a book I'm releasing in August, called Gaining by Losing: Why the...
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I’m Divorced: How Does God See Me Now? Divorce affects a lot of people in our community. Many people in the church...
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The Great Commission Is Completed through Multiplication, Not Addition
The following coincides with a book I am releasing this August, called Gaining by Losing: Why...
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How Our Culture Overvalues Sex
This is the second of a two-part series on how our society both undervalues and...
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How Our Culture Undervalues Sex This is the first of a two-part series on how our society both undervalues...
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