In the Christian Life, the Name of Jesus Is Everything
There are a number of times throughout Scripture where someone has an encounter with God’s...
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3 Questions About God’s Steadfast Love
“The pursuing love of God is the greatest wonder in the spiritual universe. When we...
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Blessed Are the Risk-takers
The following is a modified excerpt from Gaining by Losing: Why the Future Belongs to...
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3 Reasons God’s Holiness Terrifies Us
C.S. Lewis once noted that many people talk about “meeting God” as if it would...
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If You Could Get God’s Blessing Without God, Would You Take It?
Most of us assume—effectively if not explicitly—that when life is good, that it’s because we’re...
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The Weakness of Ruth Is Greater than the Strength of Samson
I recently reflected on the dark conclusion to the book of Judges—how the book ends...
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When You’re Sick of Saying It, Your Leaders Have Just Heard It
The following is a modified excerpt from Gaining by Losing: Why the Future Belongs to...
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Five Ways We Sabotage Our Lives
Samson has always reminded me a lot of myself. Not that I’m a beefy muscle-head...
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Who Are the Weak among Us Today? Our church recently finished a series through the book of Judges. I won’t sugar-coat...
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Should I Give to My Local Church First … or to Other Ministries?
To cut to the punchline, I don’t believe Christians should give only to the local...
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