Three Elements of Consumer Faith
For followers of Jesus, there will come moments in our lives where what he wants...
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Dismantling Your Heart Idols: 3 Crucial Steps
Every heart has a throne. And on that throne sits something (or, perhaps, someone). Every...
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Christians Aren’t “Just Forgiven”
We Christians love our bumper stickers. I’ve never spoken with someone whose life was forever...
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The Most Important Verse in the Bible
When I was in seminary, one of my professors said that Romans 4:5 was, in...
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Three Reasons You Can’t Make a Deal with God
Most people today, Christian or not, think they’ll go to heaven when they die. They...
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“I AM” Transforms Our Identity
This is the last of a three-part series on God’s name, “I AM.” Be sure...
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“I AM” Gives Us the Ground Rule for Knowing God
This is the second of a three-part series on God’s name, “I AM.” Be sure...
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“I AM” Shows Us How We Encounter God
This is the first of a three-part series on God’s name, “I AM.” Be sure...
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A Pardon Must Be Received To Be Valid
One of the biggest myths when it comes to the doctrine of hell (a close...
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Two (Glorious) Truths about God’s Wrath
There is little question that in today’s society, the wrath of God is the most...
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