Multiply – The Journey Has Only Just Begun!
This weekend was a phenomenal one for us as a church, as we had the...
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“Pastor J.D., How Do You Prepare Your Sermons?”
I’m often asked about the way I prepare my sermons. This is, by no means,...
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“Pastor J.D., Who Are Your Biggest Preaching Influences?”
I recently had the distinct (and rather surprising) pleasure of being interviewed by a Ph.D....
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Still Striving to Be “One Nation Under God”
I’ve often said that for Christian leaders, politics is like a skunk: touch it and...
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Where Do We Get the Strength to Go All-In For Jesus?
When I was in college, there was a canyon called “Split Rock” not far from...
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The Danger of Prioritizing the Riches You Can See
You’ve got to know what—in a long list of good things—should come first, what is...
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Why God Tests Our Faith…Over and Over and Over
There’s something strangely comforting about the messy stories of God’s saints in Scripture. We might...
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Four Myths about Christian Political Engagement
In case you’re keeping count, we are now a mere 371 days away from the...
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Am I Multiplying My Life?
It’s hard to overestimate the importance of Abraham. Three major world religions—Christianity, Judaism, and Islam—all...
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When You Struggle to Surrender It All
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the pastor and theologian who would eventually die at the hands of the...
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