The Bible Is Life-Giving Law
Not many people get excited about laws. Even lawyers, whose entire profession is contingent upon...
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Why Do We View the Bible with Drudgery Instead of Delight?
Let me start with a candid admission: the Bible can be intimidating. For Christians, we...
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God Still Does More than We Can Ask or Imagine
A little under a decade ago, God gave The Summit Church a vision of planting 1,000...
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The Biggest Questions I Get on Genesis 1 and 2
The opening chapters of Genesis are incredibly rich. (If you haven’t noticed, they’ve been bouncing...
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The Summit Church – 2015 Annual Report All throughout Scripture, God appeals to his people to remember. Why? Because when we...
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Is Drunk Noah In Your Mural?
This past weekend, as I preached on Noah, I took a good-natured, below-the-belt shot at...
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Only the Word Brings Order out of Chaos
Most Christians are able to quote Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning, God created the heavens...
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Refugees in Our Midst: A Gospel Opportunity
If you remember, during our Christmas services at DPAC we collected a special offering for...
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Only God’s Image Gives us Measure & Meaning
Nearly every religion has some sort of creation account. But only in the Bible do...
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Summit’s God-Sized Goals for 2016
Last week, President Obama gave his final State of the Union address. Regardless of what...
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