Why Don’t We Follow All of the Old Testament Laws?
It’s pretty common these days for people to dismiss Christians as inconsistent because “they follow...
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God Accepts One Set of Terms: Absolute Surrender
One of the reasons Christians have a hard time understanding the Old Testament is that...
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The Importance of Time With God – Wise Words from My Dad
A few weeks ago, during our Men's Conference, we had a short panel discussion with...
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20 Quotes from “Gaining by Losing”
I was thankful to have recently found this post from Ed Stetzer, who distills my...
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Sin Leaves Towers of Disappointment in Your Life
I’ve found that a lot of people seem to think that the Tower of Babel...
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When God Re-Booted Creation
I have one solution for every computer problem I encounter. Reboot it. The worst moment...
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My Four Biggest Passions as President of the Southern Baptist Convention
For those of you here at the Summit: I’m accepting a nomination for SBC President,...
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Jesus, the True and Better Adam
It’s entirely possible that the Bible could have been only 3 chapters long. In fact,...
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The Bible Has More Value Than Life Itself
This is the last in a four-part series on the value and beauty of the...
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The Bible Is A Story of God’s Deeds, Not Ours
As a young boy, I often thought of the Bible as a book of heroes...
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