Sponsor a Child through Compassion Today!
Summit, this past weekend was a huge one in the life of our church—and, because...
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The Bittersweet Joy of Sending Out Our Best
This weekend we had the bittersweet joy of commissioning another 75 Summit members, who are...
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Why Aren’t Baptists … Baptizing?
The past few years have been challenging for many Baptist churches. Across the Southern Baptist...
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Does the Old Testament Advocate Genocide?
One of the most common objections against Christianity is violence in the Old Testament. The...
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You Have Nothin’ To Do But to Look and Live!
Charles Spurgeon has always been a preaching hero of mine. Though he loved doctrine and...
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By My Will, In My Strength, For My Glory
By my will, in my strength, for my glory. In many ways, that could be...
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Celebrating Easter at the Summit (And Beyond!)
For those of you who call the Summit home and were able to attend service...
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Painting the Invisible Man: An Amazing Story of Grace
Remember the old television show, The Invisible Man? When someone wanted to make the Invisible...
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5 Necessary Elements for Creating an Evangelism Ethos
Healthy things tend to grow, so it’s hard to regard a church that is not...
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W4YW: Warnings for Your 20s, C.S. Lewis’ Writing Advice, & Ways Churches Get Off Mission
Wisdom For Your Weekend: your weekly installment of things we’ve been reading (and watching) around...
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