Preaching Like Jesus to the LGBT Community
The narrative our culture puts forward regarding homosexuality is that we have only two options—affirmation...
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How Do You Measure Up Against The 10 Commandments?
Ask the average person off the street to mention what they know about the Bible,...
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Lorraine’s Story: “I’m Not That Person Anymore”
I pray that we at the Summit will never forget that people are the mission. People...
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What Is the Future of the Southern Baptist Convention?
The past few years have been challenging for the SBC. Many of our churches have...
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What If You Really Believed God Was With You?
How would your outlook on life change if you believed—I mean, really believed—that God was...
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“The Love of God Elicits Total Abandonment”
If you missed David Platt's (president of the IMB) visit to the Summit a few...
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Three Lies About Forgiveness
A few years ago I read a fascinating book called The Bishop of Rwanda, by...
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A Powerful Mother’s Day Video
Our creative team put together this short video in honor of Mother's Day, and it...
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The Bible’s Biggest Understatement: “Behold, It Was Leah!”
I’ve heard some bad honeymoon stories. But I have yet to hear a honeymoon story...
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Judge Not, That You Be Not Judged
If there is one statement Jesus said that people in our culture love, it’s “Judge not.” "Judge...
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