Big Moments from St. Louis & SBC 2016
Every year, the SBC annual meeting produces a number of "moments" that stick in people's...
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W4YS (Wisdom For Your Summer): Best Books of 2016
If you're looking for some summer reading (and you should be), here is my list...
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Why I Am Voting for Steve Gaines as President of the SBC
Yesterday the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention voted for president of the SBC. And...
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How You Can Pray for My Family During Our Extended Mission Trip
When God called me to be a pastor, he did so by first calling me...
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What Happens When College Students Put Their “Yes” on the Table
One of the big prayers we have at the Summit is that God would raise...
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Meet Me in St. Louis! #SBC2016
In a little over a day, I’ll be headed to St. Louis for this year’s...
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Lottie Moon – A Cause for Celebration & A Call to Action
This week, the International Mission Board announced that the 2015 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (the...
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How Can We Reverse Our Downward Trend of Baptisms?
Just today, the SBC’s Annual Church Profile (ACP) was released, and many of the statistics...
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Brother Bill & 43 Years of Faithfulness
A couple weeks ago, Bill Ricketts announced his retirement from Prince Avenue Baptist Church (PABC)...
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We Want to Add; God Wants to Multiply
We were honored (and more than a little surprised) to be used as a case...
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