Plumb Line #6: Live Sufficiently, Give Extravagantly
Certain topics in Scripture aren’t questions to be solved so much as they’re tensions to...
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Plumb Line #1: The Gospel Is Not Just the Diving Board; It’s the Pool
For many evangelicals, the gospel functions solely as the entry rite into Christianity; it is...
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Leviticus: It’s All About Jesus
If you ask Christians for their favorite book of the Bible, hardly anyone is going...
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Plumb Line #9: We Should Reflect the Diversity of Our Community & Proclaim the Diversity of the Kingdom
Hardly anyone in the American church thinks that ethnic diversity is a bad thing. And...
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Beautiful Because He Loves Us
Maybe you’re not everyone’s “first choice.” It could be, like Leah, that you think you...
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Update from South Africa!
I don’t have much time, since we’re using an internet café here in Johannesburg. We...
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Plumb Line #8: Where Trust Exists, God Moves
The Gospel of Luke records one of the most theologically bizarre stories in the entire...
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Why We Should All Be Preparing for Marriage
There are two big myths that our society accepts about singleness and dating. The problem...
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3 Truths Christians Must Fight to Remember
Throughout Scripture, God’s people are told to remember. This may seem odd if you look...
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Plumb Lines for The Summit Church
Plumb lines are a series of short, pithy statements that we, at the Summit, use...
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