When Darkness Threatens All Hope
Every good story must eventually come to an end. By the last chapters of Judges,...
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The Most Amazing Subject Under Heaven
You’ve been running away, and now you’re lost. That’s the substance of the Bible’s message...
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The Gospel Prayer
This weekend, at the Summit, I’m dusting off an old resource and rolling it back...
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Plumb Line #11: Discipleship Happens in Relationships
People love to speculate about why pastors fall the way they do. You’ll hear theories...
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Why We (Sometimes) Baptize On The Spot
A few times a year we issue an invitation for hearers to be baptized on...
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Plumb Line #14: When Life Cuts Us, We Want to Bleed God’s Word
I’m not sure why, but learning and teaching the Bible has fallen out of fashion...
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Why Your Church Needs to Be Centered and Sent
Early in my pastorate, a well-meaning pastor told me that we should not think that...
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Plumb Line #13: We Are Led by the Spirit, Taught by the Word
I once heard a Christian leader say, “Better to spend one hour on your knees...
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When Is It Okay to Divorce?
Divorce affects a lot of people in our community. Many people in the church have...
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God Has Already Knocked Down That Wall
As rallying political speeches go, Joshua’s farewell speech in Joshua 24 has got to be...
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