Four Myths Christians Believe About Politics
Back in February, we at the Summit hosted a forum addressing the interaction between the...
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Plumb Line #2: We Judge Our Success by Sending Capacity, Not Seating Capacity
Our God is a sending God. He sent his best into the world to save...
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The Substitution in Jesus’ Baptism
Jesus, at his baptism, was beginning his ministry of substitution. Jesus does it perfectly in...
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Four Truths That Shape the Way We View Baptism
I am a Baptist pastor. The church I lead may be known for a lot...
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What Is God Doing in My Pain?
Many of you have been in situations where you look at something in your life...
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How to Overcome Satan’s Temptations
No army general worth his salt enters a battle without a plan. He knows his...
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Some Resources on House Bill 2
On March 23 of this year, Governor Pat McCrory signed into law House Bill 2...
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Should Churches Be Attractional or Missional? Yes.
On October 18 and 19, right here at The Summit Church, we’re hosting a conference...
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Plumb Line #5: Prayer Doesn’t Fuel the Ministry; Prayer Is the Ministry
It was a day everyone in Israel would talk about for centuries to come. Solomon...
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Five Reflections from My Time Overseas
As many of you know, I spent seven weeks of this summer overseas on an...
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