Plumb Line #7: The Local Church Is God’s “Plan A”
I’ve never been with someone on the last night of their life when they knew...
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Is God Calling You to Go?
I have long believed that the next wave of missions will be carried forward on...
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Towers of Disappointment
The tower of Babel stands as one of humanity's most spectacular displays of pride. Yet, on...
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A Vision for the Centered and Sent Church
Today, only 20 percent of churches in the U.S. are growing, and only 5 percent...
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Great Quotes from “Centered & Sent”
Yesterday was the end of our Centered & Sent Conference. The conference was designed to...
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How Can I Be Happy?
It’s a question that we all ask at some point in our lives. For many...
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If We Confess Faithfully, We Are Unstoppable
Have you ever started to post something on Facebook that you just really needed to...
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5 Things We Learn from the Tragic Deaths of Ananias & Sapphira
The story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 lets us know that despite the explosion of...
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Who Should We Vote For This November?
If you missed yesterday’s post summarizing the “why” and “how” of Christian political engagement, don’t...
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Why (and How) Christians Should Still Vote
This is the first of a two-part series on Christian engagement in politics. We Christians...
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