Three Marks along the Dividing Line of Eternity
If you’ve ever driven along the Blue Ridge Parkway, you might have seen a sign...
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Jesus Is the True and Better T-Rex
I feel like everyone in my family has some kind of irrational fear. Allie, my...
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Religion Is the Cover-up for True Repentance
In the days when John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, baptism was...
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God’s Unusual and Transformative Name
Most of us know what it’s like to feel insecure, to feel like we just...
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More Than 1,000 Reached Through Recent Summit Church Plants
As Toni’s boyfriend tossed her things onto the front porch, she felt deep disappointment and...
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Plumb Line #16: The Question Is No Longer If You’re Called; It’s Only Where and How
In the church I grew up in, “missionary” was a sacred and scary title, bestowed...
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Three Words for Christians Responding to the Election
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From the Vault: Two Ways to Know You Are Saved
This post remains one of our most popular ever, and for good reason. The question...
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Empathy and Charity: How Christians Can Respond to Election 2016
J.D. Greear and Chris Pappalardo || Updated 11:50 a.m., Nov 10, 2016 On Tuesday night, the...
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Jesus Is the True and Better David (You Aren’t)
You know the story. David, future king but current sheep herder and runt of the...
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