There Will Be Blood
Most Bible reading plans start off with the Torah—the first five books of the Old...
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An Incredible Story of God’s Saving Power
Just a few weeks ago, I got this update from one of our missionaries. He...
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Seeing Jesus as He Really Is
When you think of the book of Revelation, what images come to mind? The four...
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Four Fruits of Generous Giving
You remember the story where Jesus takes a little boy’s lunch of five loaves of...
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Caring for Refugees
Over the past few days, the news has been dominated by the question of how...
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On What Grounds Should You Move to Another Church?
Back in 2010, we had a short-lived series called “Ask Anything Friday.” We encouraged blog...
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Why We Are Pro-Life
“How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Give justice to...
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Don’t Euthanize Religious Liberty
Over the past few years, civil discourse in the United States has seen “religious liberty”...
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The Truth About Heaven and Hell
You probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that most people have a fear of hell....
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I’ll Take This One
If you ever want to see the whole gospel displayed in one story in the...
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