Four Crucial Elements of Salvation
Paul’s great summary of the gospel is laid out in Ephesians 2:8-10: “For by grace...
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Two Obstacles That Keep Us From Loving Our Neighbors
Unlike the lawyer in the story of the Good Samaritan, whose questioning prompted Jesus’ parable,...
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What’s the Big Deal with Satan?
Thousands of ships carrying 160,000 Allied troops approached the beaches of Normandy, France. From ship...
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In Light of Syrian Darkness
The crisis in and around Syria now drags on into its sixth year, and new...
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Loving Your Neighbor Means Giving Yourself
There is a particular temptation that many churches in America face today.
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Four Ways to Live in Light of Heaven
If you were to truly grasp the beauty and hope of John’s vision of heaven...
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The Two Greatest Words in the Bible
There is a lot of bad news contained in the first three verses of Ephesians...
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Five Ways to Grow a Culture of Trust
Around the Summit offices, we often remind ourselves to “Assume the best about others” and...
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The Quadrant of Fearless Feedback
We rolled this one out in 2013, shortly after presenting the same material to our...
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Hell Is the Default Destination
Most people assume that as long as they don’t mess things up in their time...
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