When It’s OK to Disobey Your Parents
The idea of “standing in for God” as a parent actually brings up a question...
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What Is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit?
Shortly after the release of Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to Know for...
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How God Becomes Real to You
Have you ever had the dilemma of trying to buy a gift for someone who...
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Wives: What Submission Does (And Doesn’t) Mean
Few commands in Scripture strike our modern ears as more offensive than those commands to...
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Two Surprising Reasons That People Leave the Faith
Atheism seems to be making a small comeback. Beginning with Sam Harris’ Letter to a Christian...
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Why We Do Parent Commissioning Instead of Baby Dedication
We Baptists don’t baptize infants. But most Baptist churches replace that ceremony with a baby...
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The One Thing That’s Missing from Your Spiritual Life
Imagine a single mom with one child who pours out her life to see her...
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Bad News First
Everybody recognizes that our world has evil in it, but we assume that the primary...
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Seven Ways to Overcome Satan
The Bible makes it clear: We’re in a battle. It’s a battle we can’t escape...
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You Aren’t the Good Samaritan
In the story of the Good Samaritan, there comes a point where Jesus turns the...
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