What My Daughter Is Reading This Summer
Yesterday I shared what I’m reading this summer. Today I wanted to give a snapshot...
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What I’m Reading This Summer
I’ve gotten a few requests for me to share my bookshelf for the summer. Most...
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God Refuses to Be Happy Without Us
A theologically-minded guy recently visited our church and didn’t like the phrase we sing, “You...
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What I’m Taking Away from SBC 2017
The Southern Baptist Convention’s 2017 Annual Meeting is in the books. I am leaving Phoenix...
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What Jesus Says to Every Doubter
Have you ever felt let down by God, confused and frustrated by the way he...
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Why I’m Attending the 2017 Southern Baptist Convention
Today I will be boarding a plane for Phoenix for the Annual Meeting of the...
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You’re Bored with Jesus; Here’s Why
Many Christians are bored with Jesus. There’s no passion in their lives. They go through...
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Four Ways Husbands Should Lead
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her...
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It’s Time to Change the Soundtrack
As Christians, we adore the beauty of God and want to become like him—not in...
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The Gospel Is True. Now Walk This Way
If someone’s legs are disabled, you can’t just show him videos of how to walk...
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