The Right Kind of Prosperity Gospel
I believe in a sort of Prosperity Gospel: It's just the prosperity of God’s kingdom,...
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The Danger of Blind Spots: How Could Christians Ever Support Slavery?
Our Christian forebears were fallible men and women, but so are we. And we fool...
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Three Problems with the Claim, “God Is Like a Mountain”
The contemporary wisdom of our day says that the more sophisticated we become, the more...
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Serious Injustice Calls for Serious Repentance
I can talk all day long about moral corruption “out there.” Hollywood, Planned Parenthood, extremist...
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From The Vault: Our Heart Behind Local Outreach
Our call to demonstrate God’s love is why we put such an emphasis on proactively...
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If You Don’t Care for the Poor, You Don’t Understand the Gospel
I wonder if God would look at us today and say, Woe to you who...
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Marriage Is Not About You; Divorce Is All About You
Divorce is not usually the problem. It’s the fruit of the problem; the root is...
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In the Christian Life, Believing Is Seeing
Imagine that you’d been blind your whole life, and suddenly, through some medical miracle, you...
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God’s Love Turns “Gomers” into “Hoseas”
When confronted with others’ sin, we’re likely to say, “Hey, if you go and sin...
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The Problem With Wanting God to Set Things “Right”
What could be more obvious than the desire to make things right? And yet, as...
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