When You Don’t Want to Pray
The stories Jesus commends about adults praying actually make them sound like children. Think about...
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Why You Should Stop Trying to Be Like People in the Bible
We tend to think our problem is educational. We don’t know precisely the right way...
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Show Me Your Friends and I’ll Show You Your Future
People often ask me what the “secret” to enduring faith is. They want to make...
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What Should Christians Do with Unanswered Questions?
Many people—even Christians—who are struggling with some difficult circumstance in their lives often look to...
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A Gospel Response to White Supremacy
Beginning last weekend with white supremacy marches in Charlottesville, VA, this past week has been...
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When “Better Days” Aren’t Ahead: Five Lessons of Life-Giving Hope
Many of us look around at our society and feel like Habakkuk could have been...
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Righteously Angry, Graciously Hopeful: In Light of Charlottesville
If we aren’t bothered by ideas that consider other people sub-human, we haven’t yet understood...
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Why No Christian Should Be Silent About the Evils of White Supremacy
While Christians may disagree about many things, we all agree that any kind of racial superiority...
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From the Vault: Back to School Edition
Many of you have sensed it already. Perhaps it was the pumpkin spice that snuck...
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What Every Pastor Wishes His Worship Leader Knew
A few weeks ago, one of our leaders asked me to come speak to a...
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