The Gospel Prayer – Digital Download
For every relational problem we have—whether division, or insecurity, or fear—the answer is to go...
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If There Is No God, Then Something Came from Nothing
The question, “Why is there something rather than nothing?” has occupied philosophers for centuries. It’s...
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If There Is No God, There Is No True Value
In a world filled with ascribed values, we can’t meaningfully call people to fundamental standards...
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If There Is No God, There Is No Free Will
In a godless universe, every decision you’ve ever made is an illusion. You might think...
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If There Is No God, There Is No You
If biology is all there is, then death is the absolute end. As the famous...
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How Christianity *Really* Got Started
Skeptics have a difficult time explaining how Christianity really got started. What gave eleven ordinary...
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The Best of Jen Wilkin
Last week our church had the privilege of hearing from author and Bible teacher Jen...
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How to Be Happy in Every Season
God has ordained changing seasons in our lives. At times we welcome that change. At...
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How to Trust God When It’s All Gone to “Hevel”
Contrary to some interpretations of Ecclesiastes, the author isn’t saying that life is meaningless. It’s...
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Why Rosaria Butterfield Signed the Nashville Statement
“Twenty years ago, I lived as a lesbian. I delighted in my lover, our home...
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