How to Work Hard and Be Happy
I fear that for many people, you will grow old and realize that you gave...
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500 Years After the Reformation, the Gospel Is Still Worth Fighting For
"Since you want a simple reply, I’ll give you one without ‘horns or teeth.’ Unless...
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Six Secrets That Will Transform the Way You Pray
A.W. Tozer once wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is...
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Claim Your Megiddo for the Kingdom of God
The climactic moment of King Solomon’s life occurred when the Queen of Sheba heard about...
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Is Unity in a Diverse Church Even Possible?, Part 2
God created the rich beauties of culture, and he is not on a mission to...
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Is Unity in a Diverse Church Even Possible?, Part 1
One of the best ways we can demonstrate the wisdom and power of God is...
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From 40 to 2,000: Celebrating Five Years of God’s Grace at Mercy Hill
In 2012 our church sent a launch team of 40 people to Greensboro, North Carolina,...
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The Gospel Is One, Unified Message—Here’s Why That Matters
When Paul gave evidence of his faith, he laid out what may be the primary...
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Three Signs of a Transformed Life
In his letter to the Galatians, one of the ways the Apostle Paul defended the...
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My Time in Germany, Poland, and Ukraine
Last week my wife and I returned from a short trip to Europe, where we...
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