Pray Boldly
When you listen to a parable, you should be thinking, “Somebody in this parable is...
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Pray Desperately
Jesus didn’t save us by teaching us principles. He saved us by giving us resurrection...
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Why Do We Find It So Difficult to Pray?
If you really want to embarrass the average Christian, just ask them to tell you...
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Why I’m Accepting the Nomination for SBC President
Many have asked if I am planning to run when Steve Gaines’ term is over...
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Three Ways to Pray
Believer, you are chosen to pray. And part of that means that you have been...
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Does the Law Still Have a Purpose Today?
Suppose a married man says to me, “Pastor, the other day, at the mall, I...
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#MLK50: A Mountaintop Prayer and a Mountaintop Moment
Fifty years ago, Dr. King looked ahead and boldly declared that God’s desire for racial...
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You Don’t Reap What You Sow; You Reap More
People sometimes feel like this law of multiplication is unfair. They make a few bad...
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Bearing the Burdens of the Broken
Most of us want to give to others without being burdened. We think we’ve earned...
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So You Invited Someone to DPAC. They Came. Now What?
I hope that many of you were able to make it to Christmas at DPAC—and...
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