Better Late Is Still Late: Advocating for Victims of Sexual Abuse
In recent weeks there has been an increased awareness of the church’s need to be...
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Humility and Hope: My Prayer for the Southern Baptist Convention
William Carey once said that the future is always as bright as the promises of...
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Sons and Daughters Love to Obey
Sometimes when I look into the mirror now, I’ll see Lynn Greear, my dad, looking...
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Looking Ahead to the 2018 Southern Baptist Convention
Our mood as we approach this year’s convention is more somber than usual. The past...
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What Do I Do with the Holy Spirit?
When Paul addresses the Galatians as “you dear idiots” in Galatians 3 (Phillips), it’s for...
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When You Ignore Christians in Need, Jesus Takes It Personally
When Jesus says in Matthew 25:40, “And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell...
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8 Signs You’re Following the Way of the Dragon Rather Than the Way of the Lamb
Recently our staff team read through a challenging and prophetic book, The Way of the...
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Do You Find Jesus Useful Or Beautiful?
Jesus’ message was that all of us—at our very best—fall far short, and need a...
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Five Reasons God May Not Be Answering Your Prayers
In general, unanswered prayer is a tension we need to accept, allowing it to move...
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God Uses “Mordecais” and God Uses “Esthers”
You may look back with a lot of regrets as to how you got where...
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