God Wasn’t Late After All
Jesus’ tardiness in coming to Lazarus was not due to a lack of care. As...
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God’s Grace Is Amazing—But It Won’t Last Forever
You have to stand a little dumbfounded by the mercy of God shown in the...
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11 Tensions to Manage in Ministry
The tougher areas of discernment in ministry are not between what is obviously good and...
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Why Isn’t God’s Word More Straightforward?
What keeps us from seeing the truth is not a lack of clarity in the...
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Five Truths About God That Help You When You Are Suffering
We may not know exactly what God is doing in our pain, but the cross...
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Why Do Most People Miss the Gospel?
The gospel message is not impressive on the surface. Its form—a preached word that we...
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Eight Signs You’re a Lukewarm Christian
We all struggle with seasons where we are lukewarm, where we are striving to maintain...
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The Real Reason People Reject God
In the book of Romans, Paul says that a great deal of our behavior can...
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Don’t Flatter Yourself: God Can Get Along Without You
Paul gives the same warning to us that Jesus gave to the Jewish leaders in...
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Are You a Sheep or a Goat?
What exactly is the difference between those who go to heaven and those who go...
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