Who Does God Guide?
When it comes to God’s guidance in our lives, we tend to want the answer...
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Resources for Anxiety
As we at the Summit go through our "Smoke from a Fire" series, exploring the...
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Because of the Empty Tomb
On the third day after Jesus’ crucifixion, a group of women went to his tomb...
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The Most Unjust Trial in Human History
Throughout this entire unjust process, Jesus was not, strictly speaking, a victim. He was in...
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Resources for Depression
As we at the Summit go through our "Smoke from a Fire" series, exploring the...
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What Happens Every Time You Read the Bible
Every time we encounter the Word of God, an unseen world of spiritual forces is...
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Why Did Jesus Have to Die?
If you’ve ever really had to forgive someone of true injustice, you know it is...
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Five Signs You’re in a Contract Relationship with God
The master in this parable could have avoided what the workers deemed as an injustice...
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The Way You Became a Christian Is the Same Way to Grow as One
Most of us are just as foolish as the Galatians. Why would we think we...
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Four Ways to Respond to the Cross
I’ve heard a number of people say things like, “I understand the need for God....
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