God Does His Best Work in Our Suffering
When you experience a season of suffering, it’s important to learn any lessons God is...
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You Can Resign as Judge of the Universe
It’s no wonder it’s so difficult for people to let go of their anger and...
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What Are You Worth?
I’ve always heard it said that the value you place on something is shown by...
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The Cure for Distraction
Martha’s rebuke of her sister Mary, who sat at Jesus’ feet to listen to him...
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Are You Including Outsiders at Your Table?
This weekend we asked ourselves two questions: (1) If your life were depicted as a...
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Three Reasons God Gives Us the Sabbath
Christianity often feels like more stuff to do. But according to Jesus, the core of...
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Christian, Your Depression Is Real. So Is God’s Deliverance.
No light. No hope. That’s how Jeremiah felt, and maybe you can relate. Maybe you’ve...
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Embracing Interruptions in a Distraction-filled World
Distraction is not the same as divine interruption. Jesus seemed to be entirely “indistractible” on...
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To Truly Rest, You Must Fully Surrender
Into the very fabric of creation, God established that life was to be a rhythm...
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In the Valley of Despair, Call to Mind God’s Goodness
Like any good father, God allows his children to go through some pain, but he...
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