Three Reasons “Good People” Miss the Kingdom of God
This parable in Luke 14 is Jesus’ summation of Israel’s response to him: God had...
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Anxiety Thinks Too Little of God
Anxiety thinks too little about God because it elevates the obtaining of other things besides...
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How Envy Forgets God’s Goodness
In Numbers 11, the children of Israel were about a year out from being delivered...
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Disordered Anger Comes from Disordered Loves
We have an angry society, don’t we? If you doubt it, just turn on the...
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Healing the Wounds of Shame
People around us are suffering, often profoundly, usually silently. We should desire to be churches...
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A Gift Far Greater Than Money
When we were first challenged to give financially to the church through messages at the...
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How to Escape Addiction to Anxiety
Isn’t it strange how addictive anxiety can be? It’s almost as if we sense that...
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1st Generation Faith in the 2nd Generation
The first generation of a movement does whatever it takes. They expect personal sacrifice. But...
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How to Be Angry Like Jesus
There are good ways and bad ways to deal with anger, and hindsight too often...
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What Envy Does to Us
Envy surrounds us—and most of us don’t realize the deadly poison it is. We think...
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