The Primary Source of Your Sin … Is You
In almost every trial, there will be a chance to take a short-cut, make a...
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Four Ways Satan Moves You From Desire to Death
Sin starts small, as a desire deep in our hearts. But as it grows, it...
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Kill Sin or It Will Kill You
When I moved into my former house, one of the first things my dad pointed...
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Four Reasons Church Discipline Is Actually Loving
In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul rebukes the church in Corinth for neglecting to discipline those...
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Don’t Fear Satan, But Don’t Ignore Him Either
When the famous Maasai warriors in Kenya notice the sheep they are tending are suddenly...
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Have You Ever Been Cut to the Heart?
You are cut to the heart when you realize that it was your sin that...
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Stay Out of the Judge’s Chair
Don’t ever take vengeance—not against your spouse who was insensitive and uncaring after you’d had...
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Five Ways to Fight Sin
Trying to tame sin rather than killing it is as silly as people making pets...
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There Are No Bad Teams, Only Bad Leaders
When we are involved in a group endeavor and something goes wrong, our natural instinct...
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The Gospel Is Freedom From Performing and Pretending
The religious life sometimes feels like trying to hold a beach ball underwater. Every once...
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