Money, Sex, and Power: How Christians Look Different
The book of Daniel can be summed up in one sentence: If you want to...
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Facing the Darkness at Christmas, What Joseph Has to Say About Abuse, & Mr. Rogers Wanted to Take Down Consumerism
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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Three Ways to Lay Down Your Privilege
Growing up, conversation around the dinner table was always lively. My family talked over one...
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A Dangerous Taste of Genesis 1
If the Scriptures are the lens through which we understand reality, we should be struck...
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Celebrity Christians, Holy Comparison, & a Scientific Case for the Resurrection
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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The One Little Word That Changed the World
Luther knew something that we often forget. He knew that in that little word of...
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Where Do You Get the Power to Live?
You see, when God sees you now, he mostly sees himself. He sees someone clothed...
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Pray Like You Know the God That Can Shake the Earth
As our world spins further and further away from God’s original, perfect creation, those gathered...
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