Racial Reconciliation and Cultural Diversity in the SBC
Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. looked ahead and boldly declared that God’s desire...
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Is Unity in a Diverse Church Even Possible?, Part 2
God created the rich beauties of culture, and he is not on a mission to...
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Is Unity in a Diverse Church Even Possible?, Part 1
One of the best ways we can demonstrate the wisdom and power of God is...
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You’re Bored with Jesus; Here’s Why
Many Christians are bored with Jesus. There’s no passion in their lives. They go through...
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Four Ways Husbands Should Lead
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her...
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It’s Time to Change the Soundtrack
As Christians, we adore the beauty of God and want to become like him—not in...
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The Gospel Is True. Now Walk This Way
If someone’s legs are disabled, you can’t just show him videos of how to walk...
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When It’s OK to Disobey Your Parents
The idea of “standing in for God” as a parent actually brings up a question...
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How God Becomes Real to You
Have you ever had the dilemma of trying to buy a gift for someone who...
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Wives: What Submission Does (And Doesn’t) Mean
Few commands in Scripture strike our modern ears as more offensive than those commands to...
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