What’s your best advice for newlyweds?

Pastor J.D. shares his advice for newlyweds and we share an important podcast update you won’t want to miss.

A glimpse inside this episode:

Be as committed to counseling after your marriage as you were before.

  • And note, there’s nothing wrong with counseling! Like going to the doctor. You don’t just do that before you die

Enjoy the other as a gift from God but don’t let them replace God:

  • C.S. Lewis: like a ray of sunshine
  • But don’t let them take the place of God! (What I’d write on their forehead with a Sharpie)
  • Lonely, insecure single people become lonely, insecure married people.

But realize that one of God’s primary purposes is not to make you happy but to make you holy

Regarding honeymoon night and sex, be prepared and lower your expectations. Be patient with sex.


This Episode’s Sponsor: One of the greatest predictors of a disciple’s spiritual growth is regular Bible reading. That’s why LifeWay created the Daily Discipleship Guide. To download four free sessions of the Daily Discipleship Guide, visit BibleStudiesforLife.com/DDG.





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