W4YW: SSA in Ministry, Capital Punishment, & Defending the Resurrection

Wisdom For Your Weekend: your weekly installment of things we’ve been reading (and watching) around the web.

Digital Course of the Week

Answering the Most Common Objections to the Resurrection, Impact 360 Institute. We first heard about this from the podcast, The World and Everything In It(which we once again commend to you as fantastic). With the Easter holiday upon us, this is a great time to make sure you can talk about the reasons you believe in the resurrection. This quick course will equip you to answer tough questions with confidence. (And you won’t be graded, either, which is a plus!)

Articles of the Week

Does Same-Sex Attraction Disqualify Someone from Ministry? Dave Zuleger. This is a relatively new question for the evangelical church, and it’s an important one. The answer may seem obvious to many Christians (even if they land on different sides of the issue!), so we’d do well to think through the why behind our answers. Is same-sex attraction such a unique struggle that we should keep it out of the ministry? Zuleger’s answer is wise and full of grace.

It’s Time for Christian Mothers to Say No to All the Bad Advice, Melissa Edgington. There’s no guilt like mommy guilt. Your kids shouldn’t get too much screen time. Or too much gluten. Or too much praise for their appearance. Or, or, or… There is no shortage of online fuel for mommy guilt, and if you let it, you’ll spin right into a permanent panic. It’s got to stop. Edgington tells us why, but she also tells us how.

The Death of Capital Punishment, Berny Belvedere. You’ll have to put on your thinking cap for this little doozy, but it’s worth your effort. Christians are torn on the issue of capital punishment, but they rarely articulate their support (or opposition) as well as Belvedere does here. It’s not enough for us to just ask, “Is capital punishment allowable?” We’ve got to go back a step and ask, “What is the point of punishment, anyway?”

10 Thoughts on Ministering to the Sick and Dying, Kevin DeYoung. Those of us in the ministry will, sooner or later, have to minister to those nearing their life’s end—perhaps quite often. But all of us will come face to face with this grim reality at some point. Very few of us feel prepared, and its tough to know just how to love someone well when sitting at their bedside. Hang on to DeYoung’s thoughts here: you may not need them now, but you will.

On The Lighter Side



Wisdom For Your Weekend is presented to you by Chris Pappalardo, with occasional guidance from J.D. Greear. This is our attempt to reflect Proverbs 9:9: “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.”